“The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All” is a crypto-art project that takes the form of unique timestamped events of the world in a state of entropy– a view from the International Space Station on Christmas day, the view from the singularity in the year 2525, the Great Barrier Reef, making pancakes.

Each work is an immutable record of a specific moment that otherwise would be “lost forever, like tears in the rain”, timestamped with the Epoch time standard and encoded in the Etherium blockchain.

You can buy these limited edition digital artworks on the crypto art marketplace at Rarible.com.

The title refers to Laird Barron’s book of cosmic-horror short stories, you should give it a read!

Great Barrier Reef :: Timestamp :: 1607257842
Great Barrier Reef :: Timestamp :: 1607257842

I’m going to continue to add to the collection here:

Some of them are set in the future!

A Real and True Record of New Year’s Eve 2525 :: Epoch Time :: 17545679984
“Video feed of the year 2525. Unique, immutable, permanent. It will never look like this exact moment again. You can buy an ultra-rare NFT here!

Although it is weirdly expensive to create these art objects in terms of buying the crypto-currency Etherium, my goal is to make these on-demand and ultimately integrate them with a live video/LED display that will cycle through them.

If you’re interested you can read more about crypto-art here:

View from the Singularity in 2595 :: Epoch Time :: 19743382899
A Real and True Record of the view out my window during August in the year 2595, six hundred years after the release of Windows 95. Unique, immutable, permanent. It will never look like this exact moment again. You can purchase it as an NFT here!